Does Weed Make You Lose Weight? What Science Says About Cannabis and Weight Loss

does weed make you lose weight

The question, “Does weed make you lose weight?” has sparked curiosity among many who are interested in the potential benefits of cannabis beyond pain relief and relaxation. Weight loss is a complex process, influenced by many factors, including diet, metabolism, activity levels, and even genetics. As cannabis becomes more widely accepted for its medicinal benefits, researchers are diving into its potential impact on body weight.

In this blog, we’ll explore what science has to say about cannabis and weight loss, how it affects hunger and metabolism, and which cannabinoids might be most relevant for weight management.

How Does Cannabis Impact Weight Loss?

Cannabis can impact weight loss by engaging with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which controls bodily functions such as metabolism and appetite. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), the most researched compounds in cannabis, have varying impacts on appetite, metabolism, and fat storage.

THC, the component in marijuana that causes the sensation of being “high,” has been shown to increase hunger. A lot of individuals who use cannabis for fun are aware of the “munchies,” which is a strong feeling of hunger that may happen soon after taking THC. This occurs as THC stimulates CB1 receptors in the brain, leading to the secretion of a hormone that boosts appetite.

CBD, conversely, might have an inverse impact. Certain studies indicate that CBD may assist in reducing cortisol levels, enhancing sleep quality, and potentially aiding in reducing abdominal fat, all of which could lead to weight loss. Although THC stimulates appetite, CBD has been associated with lowering appetite in specific instances.

Surprisingly, research has discovered that, even though THC can increase appetite, frequent marijuana users typically have a lesser body weight and lower BMI than non-users. This paradox indicates that cannabis could impact metabolism and energy use in a manner that counteracts the additional caloric intake linked to THC-induced cravings. Researchers think that this may be caused by the intricate relationship between cannabinoids and the ECS, which has a key role in controlling how the body stores and burns fat.

How Does Cannabis Affect Hunger?

A 2014 research article in Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience revealed how THC interacts with the ECS to impact appetite. THC activates CB1 receptors in the brain, releasing hormones that promote an increase in food consumption.

Cannabinoid receptors, particularly CB1 receptors, naturally occur in the human body. When cannabinoids such as THC attach to these receptors, they initiate a series of responses that ultimately result in heightened appetite. This is especially the case when cannabis is smoked or consumed, as the THC rapidly enters the bloodstream and activates the brain’s appetite regions.

Studies also indicate that cannabis could potentially stimulate the production of ghrelin, a hormone that communicates to the body to increase food intake. This hormone is vital in increasing appetite and could clarify why individuals frequently experience a heightened craving for food following THC consumption.

Despite THC’s appetite-stimulating effects, a 2018 study revealed that frequent marijuana consumers tend to have a lower BMI and are at a lower risk of obesity compared to those who do not use cannabis. Despite THC’s known ability to increase appetite, researchers propose that cannabis could impact metabolism and energy utilization in a manner that counteracts the rise in calorie consumption. Some research indicates that individuals who use cannabis consume more calories yet weigh less than those who do not, suggesting a possible connection between cannabis, metabolism, and weight control.

Is CBD or THC More Effective for Weight Loss?

CBD could help with weight loss by encouraging the transformation of white fat, which stores energy, into brown fat, which burns calories. Having more brown fat is seen as beneficial since it aids in burning energy effectively and can potentially assist in weight loss endeavors. This procedure is called fat browning, and although it is still in the early stages of research, it is believed to help increase the body’s calorie-burning capacity.

CBD can also suppress appetite by inhibiting the CB1 receptors in the brain that induce feelings of hunger. Although CBD doesn’t directly inhibit these receptors, it promotes the interaction of other molecules with them to decrease appetite. Several studies indicate that obesity and metabolic disorders are associated with hyperactive CB1 receptors, so by inhibiting their function, CBD could potentially aid in preventing weight gain.

Although THC can induce short-term hunger, it might not be as helpful for losing weight as CBD. THC’s capability to boost hunger may result in higher calorie intake, which may be better for individuals trying to gain weight. Yet, for those experiencing decreased appetite from medical issues, THC can be beneficial in helping to sustain a proper weight.

Start Your Cannabis Weight Loss Journey for as Low as $50/Week

Now that we have explored the question, “Does weed make you lose weight?” and the potential role of cannabis in weight management, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional if you’re considering cannabis as part of your wellness journey. At Pause Pain & Wellness, we take a holistic approach to wellness, combining medical marijuana with traditional medications to create a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs.

Our clinics are conveniently located across Mississippi and Alabama, so whether you’re in Oxford, Meridian, Flowood/Jackson, Tupelo, Olive Branch, Starkville, Hattiesburg, Gulfport, or Montgomery, we’re ready to help you start your journey toward better health.

To get started, schedule a consultation with one of our clinics. You can easily do this online or give us a call at 833-940-5060. For as low as $50 a week, you can begin your journey to better health and potentially weight loss with the help of cannabis.