Using Medical Marijuana for Appetite Stimulation in Conditions That Cause Malnourishment

Medical marijuana for appetite

Marijuana is widely known to increase appetite, which can be very beneficial for patients with certain medical conditions. If you are curious about how using medical marijuana for appetite improvement works, keep reading. In this blog, we delve into the scientific reasons behind why marijuana can induce such a powerful hunger and explore the intricate interactions between cannabinoids and our bodies.

Why Does Marijuana Make You Hungry?

Cannabis affects your appetite in two distinct ways. First, it enhances the taste of food, making it more enticing and increasing the likelihood of eating. Second, it tricks your brain into perceiving hunger, even if you’ve recently had a meal. This hunger-inducing effect is attributed to the active ingredients in cannabis, known as cannabinoids, which bind to specific receptors in the body.

When cannabinoids bind to receptors on your tongue, they intensify the brain’s response to sweet-tasting food. Additionally, they stimulate a desire for fatty foods. Using cannabis has also been shown to elevate levels of hormones that promote hunger, according to one study. However, it’s important to note that not all cannabis products have the same impact on appetite. This discrepancy arises because not all cannabinoids activate the receptors responsible for affecting appetite levels. The primary cannabinoid known to increase appetite is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Nevertheless, with over 100 active compounds found in cannabis, researchers have been exploring alternative cannabinoids like cannabigerol (CBG), which may stimulate appetite without the intoxicating effects associated with THC.

Medical Marijuana for Appetite Stimulation: What Are the Benefits?

For individuals with certain medical conditions—such as HIV, cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s, anorexia, and chronic pain—loss of appetite can be a serious problem. Using medical marijuana for appetite stimulation has been widely used to prevent malnourishment, which can further worsen the health of patients suffering from these conditions.

Cannabis may aid in reducing nausea and stimulating the appetite of individuals undergoing chemotherapy. Dronabinol (Marinol), a prescription medication containing a synthetic form of THC, has been approved by the FDA for increasing appetite in people with AIDS and treating chemotherapy-induced nausea. Clinical trials have shown that patients taking Marinol reported a significant 38% increase in appetite, comparable to other medications used for this purpose. Additionally, cannabis may hold potential benefits for individuals with anorexia, as it could help them consume more food while alleviating the anxiety and guilt associated with the condition.

Talk to a Medical Marijuana Provider Today

If you have any questions about how using medical marijuana for appetite stimulation could be beneficial to you, don’t hesitate to ask us. If you find yourself curious about the potential benefits of medical marijuana or in need of professional guidance, consider reaching out to Pause Pain & Wellness. As Mississippi’s premier Medical Marijuana Card Clinic, we offer multiple locations statewide and an experienced team ready to provide the necessary guidance and support on your journey.