What Does Research Say About Marijuana for Neuropathy Treatment?

marijuana for neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a complicated and frequently incapacitating disorder impacting millions of individuals across the globe. Marked by feebleness, lack of sensation, and long-lasting discomfort, it can significantly affect an individual’s overall well-being. Many people turn to alternative therapies, such as medical marijuana, when traditional treatments do not meet their needs. As more studies on using cannabis for treating neuropathy expand our knowledge, it is crucial to understand the scientific findings regarding its possible advantages and drawbacks.

In this blog, we’ll explore the nature of peripheral neuropathy, its prevalence, and what current research reveals about using marijuana for neuropathy as a treatment option.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy occurs when the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord are damaged. These nerves are essential for sending messages between the central nervous system and the body, overseeing functions such as muscle movements, and detecting sensations like pain and temperature. When these nerves are compromised, it can lead to a range of symptoms, including:

  • Weakness: Patients often experience muscle weakness, affecting coordination and mobility.
  • Numbness: A common symptom, numbness typically begins in the hands and feet and can gradually spread to other body parts.
  • Pain: Neuropathic pain can be sharp, burning, or tingling, and it often becomes chronic.
  • Other Complications: Peripheral neuropathy can also impact digestion, urination, and other bodily functions, depending on which nerves are affected.

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy can vary widely depending on the severity and type of nerve damage, making it a challenging condition to treat effectively.

How Common is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is more prevalent than many realize. In the United States, around 20 million individuals experience neuropathic pain, with specific groups having an increased likelihood. For example, a quarter of people above 65 years old and three in ten diabetes mellitus patients suffer from neuropathy.

A range of factors such as diabetes, alcoholism, HIV infection, autoimmune disorders, chemotherapy, and contact with substances such as heavy metals causes this condition. Sometimes, the reason is idiopathic, indicating that it is of unknown origin. Despite where it comes from, peripheral neuropathy commonly results in a notable decrease in quality of life, as numerous patients encounter emotional, cognitive, and functional difficulties.

Even though peripheral neuropathy is expected and greatly affects patients’ lives, it is frequently not treated adequately, leading many individuals to search for alternative methods of relief.

What Does Research Say About Marijuana for Neuropathy Treatment?

The role of THC, the main psychoactive compound in marijuana, is one of the most talked about aspects of using cannabis for neuropathy treatment. In 2017, a research study discovered that patients with neuropathy experienced greater pain relief from high-potency cannabis products, which contain 20% or more THC, in comparison to lower-potency alternatives. The research indicated that boosting the amount of cannabinoids may not enhance effectiveness; however, cannabis with higher potency tended to be more advantageous.

This discovery is crucial as previous studies on cannabis and neuropathy often utilized products with low THC or high CBD content. The studies frequently found that cannabis was not useful in relieving pain, although they might not have fully represented the potential benefits of high-THC cannabis.

Studies have also indicated that inhaling or smoking cannabis, especially in its flower form, can help alleviate neuropathic pain. This type of cannabis can be utilized alone or in combination with other therapies. Research has observed additional advantages, like better sleep and improved functional skills, that are important for individuals with chronic pain.

Recognition of frequent negative consequences associated with large quantities of cannabis is crucial. Symptoms can vary from dizziness, trouble focusing, tiredness, and fast heartbeat to more extreme responses such as nervousness, distrust, and sometimes mental illness. The importance of precise dosage control and monitoring when using cannabis for neuropathy is underscored by the potential risks of side effects.

How Can CBD Protect Against Adverse Effects?

Preclinical studies suggest that CBD alone or in combination with THC can suppress chronic neuropathic pain and may even offer protective effects after nerve injury. However, most of the research on CBD for neuropathy is still in its early stages, with limited clinical data available.

One product that combines THC and CBD is nabiximols, an oromucosal spray approved in Canada and several European countries. Although nabiximols have not been widely associated with the adverse effects typical of inhaled cannabis, clinical trials have shown mixed results regarding its efficacy.

For example, a 2014 study on nabiximols for chemotherapy-induced neuropathy found no statistically significant difference between the treatment and placebo groups. However, the study could have been more underpowered, meaning it might have included more participants to detect a meaningful difference. Another European study involving 246 patients found that while pain reduction in the treatment group was not statistically significant, there were improvements in sleep quality and overall patient satisfaction.

These findings suggest that while CBD and balanced THC-CBD treatments may offer some benefits, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution and require further investigation.

Let’s Pause the Pain

Peripheral neuropathy is a challenging condition that significantly impacts the lives of millions. As traditional treatments often fall short, medical marijuana for neuropathy presents a promising alternative, particularly high-potency cannabis products rich in THC. However, like any treatment, it comes with risks that need careful consideration and management.

At Pause Pain & Wellness, we understand the complexities of managing chronic pain conditions like peripheral neuropathy. Our clinics across Mississippi and Alabama, including in Oxford, Meridian, Flowood/Jackson, Tupelo, Olive Branch, Starkville, Hattiesburg, Gulfport, and Montgomery, are here to help you explore all your treatment options, including medical marijuana. Contact us at 833-940-5060 to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a more balanced and healthy life.