Your Health. Your Savings.
Initial Evaluation and Renewal
- Comprehensive assessment by a qualified practitioner.
- Help in obtaining and managing medical records.
- Informative resources on medical cannabis and its use.
- Personalized recommendations for those new to medical cannabis.
- Access to a dedicated advocate for patient care.
- Official photo to register with the Department of Health.
- Pause Rewards Card: Exclusive dispensary discounts.
- Enrollment in 'We Want You Back' Campaign: Special discounts for repeat visits.
SCHEDULE Appointment
6 Month Update/ Follow up
- New Pause Rewards Card.
- Telehealth Available for Follow Up.
- Medical marijuana evaluation by state-certified provider.
- Application assistance to update with the Department of Health
- Exclusive patient advocate helpline.
- VIP special events, promotions, and coupons.
* Payment plans available starting at ‘$109 first visit + 29.00/monthly for 11 months