How to Request Medical Records to Get Your Medical Marijuana Card

how to request medical records

For those seeking to get their medical marijuana card, the process isn’t complicated, but it does involve knowing how to request medical records. Here, we break down the steps involved in getting all the information necessary to make this a smooth process and get on the path to using medical marijuana.

What is a Medical Marijuana Card?

A medical marijuana card is a state-issued ID card that allows qualified patients to purchase, possess, and use marijuana for medicinal purposes. To be eligible for a medical marijuana card, patients must first obtain a recommendation from a healthcare provider. Patients must then submit an application to their state’s medical marijuana program. If approved, patients will receive their medical marijuana card in the mail. Once they have their card, patients can visit any dispensary in their state to purchase medical marijuana.

How to Request Copies of My Own Medical Records

You have the right to get copies of your medical records, whether they are kept electronically or on paper, under the Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA) of 1996. Doctors’ notes, medical test results, lab reports, and billing information are examples of this.

To obtain your medical records, you must complete a release form, accessible at the hospital or clinic where you are receiving treatment. You may get the authorization form particular to your clinic through your healthcare provider’s Health Information Management (HIM) Department. Many hospitals and clinics allow you to fill out the authorization form online.

You will need to enter your address, date of birth, social security number, and phone number after you receive your authorization paperwork. You may also be requested to specify treatment dates, papers to be disclosed, and reasons for obtaining the records.

Most facilities will want you to fill out a form to get your medical records. This form can be picked up in the office or sent through fax, postal service, or email. However, you also have the option to put your request in writing. You will need to include the following:

  • Your full name
  • Social Security Number
  • Birthdate
  • Address and contact information
  • Email address
  • List of records that are requested
  • The service dates
  • Delivery option (fax, post, email, in person)
  • Your signature

When requesting your medical records to obtain a medical marijuana card, you should request copies of any records that pertain to your qualifying condition. This may include records from your primary care physician, specialists, and/or hospitalizations. In addition to these records, you may also request a copy of your most recent lab work.

Can my caregiver or guardian request my records on my behalf?

Other than the patient, the following persons may be permitted access to your medical records according to HIPAA, provided you have permitted them:

  • If the patient is a minor, their parent or guardian. In certain areas, parents cannot see their child’s reproductive and sexual history if he or she is 12 years old or older.
  • A caregiver or advocate who has gotten the patient’s approval. Sometimes the health care practitioner may provide you with a consent form that the patient must fill out.
  • Your primary care provider.
  • Entities to which you may have allowed access to your medical records. Insurance firms, hospitals, laboratories, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, and billing providers are all examples of this.

Do I need medical records for medical marijuana in Mississippi?

If you seek a medical marijuana card in Mississippi, you will need to provide medical records to prove your eligibility. You can obtain these records from your healthcare provider.

If this is your first card, you must also present evidence of residency (such as a driver’s license or lease agreement). You will also be required to present evidence proving your diagnosed ailment and a referral from a healthcare practitioner acquainted with cannabis use for treating that condition.

If you have any concerns concerning eligibility or the application procedure for a Mississippi cannabis card, please visit Our providers can help you obtain the medical records needed to receive your card.